Jason J. Gullickson

Jason J. Gullickson

Now for something plain

I recently came across http://useplaintext.email and it really sold me on the idea of avoiding HTML email in favor of plain text. I've favored HTML for the basic features and convenience of it, and I knew it could be exploited, but I never gave it enough thought to understand just how unnecessarily nasty it is. So I'm switching my personal correspondence to plaintext-first, and that includes making this website perform well when supplied with plaintext email as input. I never deliberately broke this, and maybe it will work just fine as-is (this post is in fact a test of this as I'm writing it in ALPINE and will be sending it to Preposter.us in plaintext format), but if not I'm going to put some effort into making it treat plaintext as a first-class means of publishing on Preposter.us. That doesn't mean I'll be dropping support for HTML messages. Preposter.us is unusual in that there are very practical reasons for sending it formatted mail, and many of the downsides of HTML mail don't come in to play when it's a robot on the receiving end. So I don't plan to make any changes that will reduce the current level of quality with which Preposter.us handles HTML email. But I really want to make it do plaintext well, and in fact try to preserve as much of the featureset (things like photos, podcasts, etc.) when the source message is not HTML. In many ways it would be much easier to make Preposter.us work more reliably with nothing but plaintext as input, but doing so would make it harder for some people to use it and the whole point of Preposter.us is accessibility. Now it's time to hit send and see how this works out... - Jason