Jason J. Gullickson

Jason J. Gullickson

Turntable Reprap

Lately I’ve been a bit obsessed with building a second Reprap printer, and in particular interested in unconventional designs. One design that is particularilly interesting to me is the idea of a Reprap with a rotating build platform (like a turntable), and in my research I ran across references to the information below.

The page linked to now returns a 404, but I was able to dredge up the content using The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine. I have reprinted it here to ensure that it remains avaliable, howerver if that is in violation of anyone’s rights I’d be happy to cooperate with moving it elsewhere, my primary concern is that this information doesn’t just dissapear into the vastness of the Internet’s Write-Only memory…

Turntable Proposal

Hans Wargers

It can be made with only a drilling machine and other simple not expensive tools.
It is driven by a computer in delphi but the dll can also be used by other languages. It has x,y and z axes.
It is also possible to work with one motor but this one is much easier to make.
You have a rotating surface something like a turntable.
Here on this rotating surface the model is printed. This surface is driven
by a electro motor
The print head moves a right angle on the direction of the moving surface.
These print head is driven by a threaded rod .
It is the same principle as a lathe on which the two movable components
(claw plate and support) are coupled by means of cog wheels and a threaded
rod to each other.
At each complete rotation of the rotating surface, the distance that the
print head on the threaded rod has taken is equal to the size of the
resolution of the print head

For example the resolution is 1 mm and the pitch of the threaded rod is 1
mm by each rotation(M6 or M7).
At each rotation of the surface then also the threaded rod must make a 1
When printed by the print head there will be a track of ink drops (similar
the spiral of the pit in a .L.P.) and this track covers the total surface
without inter space
As the print head has reached the end of the threaded rod .
The electro motor stops and will start turning into the opposite direction.
the print head succeeds the old track but only from the opposite direction
and can therefore simply continue to print.
As the print head reaches the start point, the electro motor stops and will
start turning into the opposite direction again.
This is repeated till the piece of work is printed.
There are 2 sensors necessary: one to stipulate the beginning point of the
threaded rod and one to stipulate the rotation of the rotating turntable
each time. Everything can probably be made by means of rp except for the
electro motor and the two sensors.
Here some photo’s and a movie made with two electromotors and a construction possible with one electromotor. However not interesting on this moment.

Parts wich are necesarry and photo’s of it. Available at www.conrad.nl

F-LAGER 816 (Bestnr.: 215295)

C-KOGELLAGER 613 (Bestnr.: 214485)

LAGERBLOK 13 (Bestnr.: 216003)

DRAADSTANG MESSING M6 (Bestnr.: 221789)

IGARASHI MOTOR 33G-125 (Bestnr.: 244031)

TANDWIEL K 1:1 30T (Bestnr.: 219304)

12V MOTOROMPOOLRELAIS (Bestnr.: 505013)