Jason J. Gullickson

Jason J. Gullickson

FirefoxOS on ZTEOpen - First Impressions

Last night the ZTEOpen handset I ordered via Ebay arrived (much faster than expected).


To be clear, I had pretty low expectations for this device in light of its specs, cost and maturity of the operating system.  That said, my expectations have been exceeded so far.

This weekend I’ll be spending some time experimenting with installing some of the apps I’ve been working on via the simulator and next week I’ll have more to say about the device, writing code for it and living with FirefoxOS on a daily basis.

The other order of business is securing a carrier (can’t just swap it with my Pre since Verizon doesn’t seem to support UMTS); that’s another process that I’ll try to write-up to streamline the process for others.  In the meantime I’ve come up with this:
